12 December, 2006

Sinn Féin

This weekend we had our last trip and it lead us to Belfast and the Giant's Causeway. The Hostel in Belfast (Paddy's Backpackers) was pretty dissapointing. The radiators were more like decoration than heating devices and as you can see on the picture the residual environment was totaly up to date!

Anyway, the city was very intresting especially regarding the history of the irish conflict.

Hence the police cars were more like tanks than cars. A little scary.
But for compensation they had a very nice christmas market in front of the city hall. Even with a "German Bierzelt" and a lot of "Glühwein"

On Sunday we went to the Giant's Causeway, it's an amazing place on the coastline of Northern Ireland. It's a big field of hexagon shaped stonepillars direct at the shore. See more pics of this place on my "Erstwohnsitz" Posted by Picasa

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