03 November, 2006

Back to the roots

Last week we had a nice paitball match (my first), nd I didn't expected the ammunition to hurt that much. Well, we had 4 matches (15vs15) in the forest. It rained the whole day that means crawling through mud, leaves and roots. I was the decoy in the 3rd match so I brought a lot bruises back home. Nice ring-shape... Whatever, it was fun and now my shoes are completely ruined.

On the 31st we had a nice lill' helloween-party at a friends place.

First I didn't want to go, but after I heard all the fireworks round here, I felt a little sad, so I went to have some beers with the others... I didn't regret it. We had a nice Night!

But the time has come to return to the basics... I'll come back to Hamburg from the 17th to the 29th December... Posted by Picasa

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